
Strategic messaging on LinkedIn: what works

Strategic messaging on LinkedIn: what works

Today, LinkedIn has established itself as one of the most essential platforms for establishing professional contacts and increasing the visibility of your business. However, messaging on this social network can be tedious and time-consuming. Here is where strategic plans and LinkedIn message automation come into play.

Message automation on LinkedIn has become a tool to maximize business opportunities and reach a greater number of contacts efficiently. But how does this automation work and what strategies are the most effective? We explain it below.

Effective strategies for messaging on LinkedIn

Personalizing messages can significantly improve the effectiveness of messages on LinkedIn. When sending connection requests or messages, it is crucial to personalize the message by addressing the recipient by name and mentioning something specific about their profile or work experience. 

It can help establish a connection and increase the likelihood of a response. In addition, personalizing the greeting and message based on the recipient’s industry or job title can further enhance the relevance and impact of the message.

Clear and concise communication is essential when messaging on LinkedIn. Messages should be easy to read and understand, with a clear call to action and purpose. 

Avoid using jargon or overly technical language that may confuse the recipient. It is also important to maintain a professional tone while still coming across as personable and approachable. By being clear and concise in messaging, people can effectively communicate your intentions and build meaningful connections with your network.

Relevant and valuable content is crucial to a successful messaging strategy on LinkedIn. When messaging or sharing content, it is imperative to understand the target audience and their interests, needs, and pain points. By creating content that is relevant and valuable to the audience, individuals can establish themselves as thought leaders in their industry and build credibility in their network. In addition, optimizing content for LinkedIn SEO and using storytelling techniques can further improve the impact and engagement of content.

By identifying and sharing content that works for your brand, people can leverage the power of this platform to generate leads with LinkedIn and increase their professional presence.

Understanding the LinkedIn audience

To do strategic messaging on LinkedIn, the main thing is to understand the audience of this platform. It is essential to consider their demographic profile and professional interests. LinkedIn is a platform mainly oriented to professionals, business people, and entrepreneurs, so the audience is mainly composed of working-age adults.

Here are some key aspects to better understand LinkedIn’s audience:

  • Demographic profile: LinkedIn’s audience tends to be mostly adults, with the majority of users in the 25-54 age range. There is also a higher participation of men compared to women. However, the platform is constantly evolving and there is increasing diversity in terms of age and gender.
  • Educational and professional level: LinkedIn primarily attracts people with a high level of education, such as those with university degrees, postgraduate degrees, or advanced education. In addition, the audience tends to be professionally active, with higher participation from employees, entrepreneurs, and business owners.
  • Work Interests: LinkedIn is primarily used for professional purposes, and users are interested in career, industry, networking, and professional development topics. Users tend to look for job opportunities, make connections with other professionals, and share knowledge and experiences related to their areas of work.
  • Sectors and areas of interest: While LinkedIn covers a wide range of sectors and areas of interest, some of the most common include technology, finance, marketing, human resources, consulting, and entrepreneurship. Users are also interested in topics such as leadership, business strategy, skills development, and industry trends.
  • Usage and behavior on the platform: LinkedIn’s audience tends to be most active during weekdays and work hours. In addition, users tend to use the platform to search for and share relevant content, network with other professionals, and participate in groups and discussions related to their interests and work goals.

Understanding this audience is essential to making the most of connection and promotion opportunities on the platform.

Crafting Effective Messages on LinkedIn

To craft effective messages on LinkedIn, it is crucial to consider the following aspects:

  • Personalization: Start the message by addressing the person you are targeting. Mention their name and look for commonalities or shared interests to establish a personalized connection from the start. 
  • Clear and concise presentation: Be sure to express your message clearly and directly. Avoid being too long or confusing, as this can lead to the receiver losing interest or not understanding the purpose of your message.
  • Added value: Highlight how your message can be beneficial to the recipient. Mention how you can help or add value to your business or career instead of focusing only on your needs.
  • Call to action: Include a clear and concise invitation for the recipient to respond to your message. It can be a request for a virtual meeting, a phone conversation, or an invitation to connect in person depending on the situation.
  • Thank you and courtesy: End the message with a thank you and a note of courtesy. Acknowledge the recipient’s time and thoughtfulness in reading your message and show appreciation.

Best practices for automating messages on Linkedin

Part of the success of strategic messaging on LinkedIn will depend on how you maintain ongoing relationships with your customers, and that’s only possible if you help yourself with automated LinkedIn messaging

So, here we leave you with some best practices for automating messaging on LinkedIn including:

  • Segment your contacts: Not all of your contacts have the same needs or interests. It’s imperative to categorize them into groups so you can tailor your messages effectively.
  • Use customizable templates: Although you should customize your messages, you can create templates that will save you time when sending similar messages.
  • Schedule your messages: If you have a list of contacts you want to send messages you can schedule them to be delivered at specific times. 

Remember that personalization, clarity, value, call-to-action, and politeness are key elements to crafting effective messages on LinkedIn. Adjust these aspects according to your objectives and the context of your message, and be sure to tailor it to each person you are targeting.

I’m Growth-X’s digital marketing, copywriter, and customer success expert who focuses on growth hacks for B2B companies. When not working, you might catch me doing yoga or planning my next adventure.