
How to export contacts from LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a very powerful platform for connecting with professionals in various industries and expanding your network. However, to expand your contact list outside of LinkedIn, you may want to export your contacts to use them in other platforms or programs.

One way to export your contacts is to automate LinkedIn using special tools. These tools allow you to extract your contacts from LinkedIn and save them in a format that you can use later. There are several tools available on the market that will help you automate this task, such as Octopus CRM and LinMonster.

But, if you want to learn more about this, in this article, we will show you how to export your contacts from LinkedIn quickly and easily. Read on.

Exporting LinkedIn contacts: introduction

Exporting LinkedIn contacts can be a valuable tool for professionals looking to manage their connections, expand their network, and generate leads on LinkedIn. By exporting your contacts, you can access a wide range of information about each individual, including their name, title, company, and contact information. 

You can use his information to create targeted marketing campaigns, build relationships with potential customers or partners, and track your professional network. Understanding the purpose of exporting LinkedIn contacts can help you make the most of this feature and take advantage of all the benefits it offers.

Before exporting your LinkedIn contacts, it is important to review LinkedIn’s contact export policy. This policy describes the types of information that can be exported and how that information can be used. 

For example, LinkedIn prohibits the use of exported contact information for unsolicited commercial messages or spam. By familiarizing yourself with these policies, you can ensure that you use the feature responsibly and ethically.

how to export contacts from LinkedIn

There are several methods for exporting LinkedIn contacts, including using the LinkedIn Export Tool extension in Google Chrome, accessing the “My Network” section of the main menu, and selecting “contacts,” or managing imported and synced contacts.

Once you have selected the contacts you wish to export, you can choose to export the data in a delimited text format, which can be imported into other programs such as Excel.

In addition, you can manage your contacts in Excel format, allowing you to identify and contact recruiters or other people in your network. By following these steps and using the right LinkedIn tools, you can efficiently and effectively export your LinkedIn contacts and take your professional network to the next level.

Steps to export contacts from LinkedIn

Exporting contacts from LinkedIn can be a great way to manage and organize your professional network. The process of exporting contacts from LinkedIn can be divided into three main steps. The first step is to access the LinkedIn Contacts page. 

To do this, navigate to the “Network” tab at the top of your LinkedIn home page and select “Contacts” from the drop-down menu. This will take you to a page where you can view and manage your LinkedIn connections.

The second step to exporting LinkedIn contacts is to customize your contact settings. This involves selecting the specific contacts you want to export and choosing the fields you want to include in the export. 

To do this, click on the “Settings” icon on the Contacts page and select “Export Contacts” from the drop-down menu. From here, you can choose to export all of your contacts or select specific ones using the filters provided. You can also customize the fields you want to include in the export, such as name, email, and company.

The last step in exporting LinkedIn contacts is exporting the data. Once you have selected your contacts and customized your settings, you can download the data in a delimited text format, which can then be imported into Excel or another spreadsheet program. 

To do this, simply click the “Export” button and follow the instructions to save the file to your computer. By following these three steps, you can easily export your LinkedIn contacts and use the data to manage your professional network more effectively.

LinkedIn tools to export contacts

As we have already mentioned, the best way to export your contacts is to automate LinkedIn using special tools. Here are some examples.

Octopus CRM is a very useful tool that allows you to export your LinkedIn contacts. With this platform, you can automate LinkedIn messages by sending them to your contacts and generating LinkedIn leads efficiently. In addition, Octopus CRM allows you to schedule automatic messages, which will save you time and allow you to focus on other important tasks in your business.

Another tool that can be useful is LinMonster. This platform also allows you to automate messages on LinkedIn and generate leads effectively. With LinMonster, you can send personalized messages to your LinkedIn contacts automatically and offer your products or services more efficiently. LinkedIn message automation can be a great way to expand your network and generate leads.

It is important to note that these LinkedIn tools are very useful, but it is also essential to use them responsibly and ethically. You should not abuse automation by sending massive amounts of spam to your LinkedIn contacts, because instead of generating leads on LinkedIn you may even affect the sales of your business.

Tips for organizing and using your exported LinkedIn contacts

Exporting your LinkedIn contacts can be a great way to organize and manage your professional network, but it’s important to review and clean up your contact data before importing it to other platforms. This can help ensure that you only share accurate and relevant information with your contacts and that you don’t inadvertently share sensitive or outdated data. 

Once you’ve exported your LinkedIn contacts, take some time to review and clean up the data, removing any duplicates, incomplete or irrelevant information, and outdated contacts. This will help you get the most out of your exported contacts and ensure that you only share the most accurate and up-to-date information with your network.

Importing your LinkedIn contacts to other platforms can help you expand your network and keep your contact data organized and accessible. To import your contacts to other platforms, such as Gmail or Outlook, you will need to save your exported LinkedIn contacts as a CSV file. Once you have saved the file, you can import it into your chosen platform by following the platform’s instructions for importing contacts.

Keeping your contact data up to date and secure is essential when working with contacts exported from LinkedIn. You may also want to consider using a password manager or other security software to help keep your contact data secure. 

By following these steps, you can ensure that your exported LinkedIn contacts remain a valuable resource for managing and expanding your professional network.

I’m Growth-X’s digital marketing, copywriter, and customer success expert who focuses on growth hacks for B2B companies. When not working, you might catch me doing yoga or planning my next adventure.